Planet Ark Stories and Ideas. Privacy Statement Email address and other information collected on this form is for use only by Planet Ark for the purpose of sending our newsletters to subscribers. No information is shared with any other group or organisation. Latest Stories Date 1. Nov 1. 7Author. Carol Warwick. The first ever Buy It Back Day will be held on Saturday 1. November It will highlight the importance of closing the recycling loop and reducing waste by buying products made from recycled materials or buying reclaimed rather than new. Date 1. 7 Nov 1. English Vocabulary Word List Alan Beales Core Vocabulary Compiled from 3 Small ESL Dictionaries 21877 Words. NOTE It is the responsibility of the Designated Contact Point of the organizations to notify the secretariat when changes are made to the information below. Planet Ark is all about creating positive environmental actions, for everyone but especially for you. And the easiest way to learn about those actions is to. You have not yet voted on this site If you have already visited the site, please help us classify the good from the bad by voting on this site. Author. Ryan Collins. Batteries are charging up the waste stream, that is, battery waste is growing fast. Strategic Program For Asthma Research Spar' title='Strategic Program For Asthma Research Spar' />The sources of battery waste is increasing and come from a variety of industries such as electric and hybrid vehicles, power tools, domestic and industrial applications, power generation and renewable energy storage systems. One company is has started recycling these types of batteries right here in Australia. Date 1. 7 Nov 1. Author. Ryan Collins. The Sustainable Materials Research Technology division at the University of New South Wales SMa. RT UNSW, led by Planet Ark ambassador Professor Veena Sahajwalla, focuses on research and development of green materials, made from rubbish. Youll be inspired by their innovative environmental solutions for some of the worlds biggest waste challenges. Date 1. 6 Nov 1. Author. Ryan Collins. Cigarette butts are the most littered item in Australia. Recently, RMIT University found a way to deal with the 1. Check out their brilliant solution. Date 1. 5 Nov 1. Author. Ryan Collins. As Australias leading manufacturer of products made from recycled soft plastics, innovation is core to Replas business. And its not just outdoor furniture that they make. Read on to find out what else is available. Date 1. 5 Nov 1. Author. Ryan Collins. Close the Loop is Australias biggest resource recovery and recycling company for printing consumables and the resource recovery partner. Cartridges for Planet Ark. It is driven by a promise of zero waste to landfill and innovation. Some of the recycled products to come out of this initiative will amaze Date 1. Nov 1. Author. Carol Warwick. As the shops start to fill up with Christmas gift ideas and food, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed by everything you want to buy and organise for the big day. But there are some easy ways to keep your Christmas spirit and stay on the environments nice list at the same time. Date 1. 4 Nov 1. Author. Ryan Collins. Sustainable procurement aims to reduce the adverse environmental, social and economic impacts of purchased products and services throughout their entire life cycle. Looking for items made from recycled materials is a big part of this. And with more consumers being more likely to buy products and packaging made with recycled content, we offer 3 simple things businesses can do to start buying recycled. Date 1. 4 Nov 1. Author. Ryan Collins. Tyre Stewardship Australia TSA is a government supported product stewardship initiative that aims to effectively reduce the environmental, health and safety impacts of the 5. The database recognizes 1,746,000 software titles and delivers updates for your software including minor upgrades. ACTIVE GREECE 2016 EXPORT LEADERS. CONTENTS Editorial 6 Spyros A. Ktenas. 12 Interventions 57 Distinguished companies. Tourism 303 Shipping. The Texarkana Gazette is the premier source for local news and sports in Texarkana and the surrounding Arklatex areas. Check out the results of their inspiring research projects that are providing innovation for our circular economy. Date 1. 4 Nov 1. Author. Martin Daniel. Planet Ark Power, Incorp and the t. Initiative along with the WELL Institute have all partnered to develop carbon neutral community precincts. Date 1. 3 Nov 1. Author. Nell Mac. Donald. Do you want to align your brand with one of Australias largest community nature events Date 1. Nov 1. Author. Nell Mac. Donald. We are excited to announce we are trialling a new program in the beginning of 2. Coffee 4 Planet Ark, where we will be collecting leftover coffee grounds from Sydney CBD cafes and recycling them into compost. Celebration of African Australians Inc Professor Jonas Addai Mensah. Professor Jonas Addai Mensah is an Associate Director and a Professor at the Ian Wark Research Institute which is an Australian Research Council Special Research Centre of the University of South Australia Uni. SA. A Chemical Engineer by training, Professor Addai Mensah has been senior academic of Uni. SA for the past 1. Engineering and Science professionals. Over that period, he has also held various university management and leadership positions, including Dean of Research Education and served on various national international professional body committees university academic boards. Furthermore, as a Chief Investigator he has attracted over 2. Australian government and the minerals industry to solve difficult problems for the sector. Prof. Addai Mensah also is an active consultant to several multinational companies in Australia, Africa, Europe and USA in the area of minerals and mineral waste processing. As a part of his service and engagement to the community, Prof. Addai Mensah has secured over 3 million dollars in scholarships to support 1. African students who are currently undertaking their doctorate degrees in Engineering Science at Uni. The Cold War Era'>The Cold War Era. SA. Overall, he has educated thousands of Australian and international students and supervised over 3. Ph. D students in Engineering and Science disciplines. Eve Howell, a Sudanese British Australian, is ONE of the true pioneers of oil and gas exploration in Australia, was the highest ranking woman in the petroleum industry in her position as chief executive of Apache Energy Australia. Her Father is Sudanese and mother is British. She was also one of Woodsides top executives, responsible for the North West Shelf, Australias biggest resource development. She serves as a Non Executive Director at Mermaid Marine Australia. Limited MMA. Eve has over 4. Eve was most recently Executive Vice President for Health, Safety Security at Woodside Energy Ltd and served as Executive Vice President of North West Shelf at Woodside. Eve is currently a director of Downer EDI Limited, the West Australian Ballet and the Ngarluma Yindjibarndi Foundation. She has previously served on a number of boards, including the Fremantle Port Authority, the Australian Petroleum Production Exploration Association where she chaired the Environmental Affairs Committee and as a board member and President of the Australian Mines and Metals Association. Eve is also a past President of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists, a life member of the Petroleum Club of WA and a distinguished member of the Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia. Eve holds a Bachelor of Science with Honours in Geology and Mathematics from the University of London and an MBA from Edinburgh Business School. Eve has also attended an Advanced Management Program at Thunderbird Campus in the United States. The Chairman of Mermaid Marine Australia Limited MMA, Mr Tony Howarth said We are delighted to welcome Eve to the Board of Mermaid Marine. Eves unique skills and extensive experience within the oil and gas industry will both complement and enhance the effectiveness of the Mermaid Marine Board. Egyptian Australian. Director, Diversity Health Institute. Professor Abd Malak has been working in the field of health, mental health and social welfare for the last 3. His career has encompassed the areas of service provision, policy, planning and management. Abd has written and published in the areas of mental health, suicide, cross cultural work, management and social justice. Throughout his career Abd has been a passionate social justice and human rights advocate. He has also spear headed the development of leading state and national initiatives, for example, Multicultural Mental Health Australia, Diversity Health Institute and Global Health Institute as well as, the implementation of the Integrated Health Care Cluster in Sydney West Area Health Service SWAHS, which includes Mental Health, Drug Alcohol, Community Health, NGO Grants, Primary Health Care and other statewide services. Between 2. 00. 5 2. Abd held the position of Executive Director, Workforce and Organisational Development in Sydney West Area Health Service servicing 1. In this role he was responsible for workforce planning, development, recruitment and retention, in addition to organisational redesign, innovation and reform. Abd is also the Convenor of the Australian Partnership of Religious Organisations APRO. In 2. 00. 2 Abd was honoured to be included in the Australian Honours List as a Member in the Order Of Australia for his service to migrant communities. Prof Malak holds appointments in the School of Medicine at the University of Western Sydney and University of Notre Dame Australia. Assefa Bekele, an Ethiopian, was an Olympic torch bearer during the 2. Sydney Olympics and worked as a volunteer and language expert for both Amharic and Greek during the Olympics. He is the founder of the Ethiopian Community Association of New South Wales, and worked as a Mining and Metallurgical engineering in Australia. Assefa currently serves the New South Wales Police as its Multicultural Community Liaison Officer MCLO. Assefa has been showcased in various main stream media including the SBS TVs Behind the Front Door Broadcast Programs. Further, Assefa was nominated by colleagues and community members to run for the Senate office in the 1. Australian Federal election. He is currently a member of the Mens Advisory Committee against Female Genital Mutilation FGM that affects many girls in some parts of Africa and has presented talks on this issue. Assefa is also a volunteer with NSW St Johns Ambulance Service as a Senior First Aider for 1. In 2. 00. 8, he wrote a play titled Please Explain, with this he participated in the Sydney Writers Festival, representing African Writers in Western Sydney. This was organised by the Blacktown Arts Centre. The play was about the experiences of 2 Ethiopian migrants in Australia. Dvr Client Software 1.0. In 2. 00. 8, he was involved with the initiative of Change International and invited 2 Nigerian religious leaders Imam and Pastor who are pioneers on the forgiveness, reconciliation and tolerance. Most importantly, Assefa believes in voluntarism. According to Assefa, it is the one thing that gave me the opportunity to be where I am, more than my academic qualifications. I love helping people and find it very fulfilling, both on the community and personal level. A Professor Andr M. N. Renzaho, Ph. D, MPHOriginally from the. Democ ratic Republic of Congo, his current positions include Director Migration, Social Disadvantage, and Health Programs at Monash University Executive Director African. Leadership, Learning and Advocacy Group Inc, and Senior Fellow Burnet Institute. He has previously worked with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNHCR, the United Nations Childrens Fund UNICEF, Concern World Wide, Care Australia, Mdecins Sans Frontires, and World Vision International covering sub Saharan Africa, the Middle East, Asia and South America. Awards and Recognition ARC Future Fellowship award 2. Heart Foundation CDA award 2. Ministerial appointment Dental Practice Board of Victoria 2. International recognition Whos Who in the World, 2.
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