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The best way to learn a new framework is to build something with it. This tutorial walks through how to build a small, but complete, application using ASP. NET MVC 1. Nerddinner Mvc 3 Tutorial PdfDisplaying a Grid of Data in ASP. NET MVC. By Scott Mitchell. A Multipart Series on Grids in ASP. NET MVC. Displaying a grid of data is one of the most common tasks faced by web developers. This article series shows how to display grids of. ASP. NET MVC application and walks through a myriad of common grid scenarios, including paging, sorting, filtering, and client side. Learn, Share, Build. Each month, over 50 million developers come to Stack Overflow to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Join the worlds. A Multipart Series on Grids in ASP. NET MVC Displaying a grid of data is one of the most common tasks faced by web developers. This article series shows how to. PROFESSIONAL. ASP. NET MVC 5 Jon Galloway Brad Wilson K. Scott Allen David Matson. Page v. View engines. The view engines used in the ASP. NET MVC 3 and MVC 4 frameworks are Razor and the Web Forms. Both view engines are part of the MVC 3 framework. Nerddinner Mvc 3 Tutorial Pdf' title='Nerddinner Mvc 3 Tutorial Pdf' />Displaying a Grid this inaugural article. ASP. NET MVC demo application and retrieving and displaying database data in a simple grid. Sorting a Grid learn how to display a sortable grid of. Paging a Grid shows how to efficiently page through a grid of data. N records at a time. Filtering a Grid see how to create a filtering interface to. Sorting and Paging a Grid learn how to display a grid that is. Sorting, Paging, and Filtering shows how to display a grid. Mvc. Contrib Grid see how to use the free, open source. Mvc. Contrib Grid to display a grid of data. Best Edition Of Call Of Cthulhu more. Introduction. One of the most common tasks we face as a web developers is displaying data in a grid. UploadFile/scottlysle/paging-and-sorting-listviews-with-Asp-Net-mvc-and-jquery2/Images/2.gif' alt='Nerddinner Mvc 3 Tutorial Pdf' title='Nerddinner Mvc 3 Tutorial Pdf' />In its simplest incarnation, a grid merely displays information about a set of. In ASP. NET Web. Forms the Grid. View control offers a quick and easy way to display. On page load, the Grid. View automatically. HTML lt table element, freeing you from having to write any markup and letting you focus instead on retrieving and binding the data. Grid. View. In an ASP. NET MVC application, however, developers are on the hook for generating the markup rendered. This task can be a bit daunting for developers new to ASP. NET MVC, especially those who have a background in Web. Forms. This is the first in a series of articles that explore how to display grids in an ASP. NET MVC application. This installment starts with a walk through of creating the. ASP. NET MVC application and data access code used throughout this series. Next, it shows how to display a set of records in a simple grid. Future installments examine. Well also look at pre built grid solutions, like the Grid component. Mvc. Contrib project and Java. Script based grids like jq. Grid. But first. things first lets create an ASP. NET MVC application and see how to display database records in a web page. Read on to learn more Step 0 A Brief Roadmap. This article walks through creating an ASP. NET MVC 2. 0 application in Visual Studio 2. C and the default ASPX style view engine. This project is used as the. After creating the. ASP. NET MVC demo application, adding the Northwind database, and adding a data access layer using. Linq to SQL, we will look at how to display data in a simple grid. Future installments will build. Step 1 Creating a New ASP. NET MVC Project. ASP. NET MVC is a Microsoft supported framework for creating ASP. NET applications using a. Model View Controller pattern. In a nutshell, ASP. NET MVC allows developers much finer control over. SEO friendly URLs. The ASP. NET MVC framework was first introduced in the days of Visual Studio 2. ASP. NET 3. 5 SP1, and can still be. The ASP. NET MVC framework was shipped as part of the. NET framework starting with. NET 4, so if you are using Visual Studio 2. ASP. NET 4. there is nothing extra you need to install or configure in order to start developing ASP. NET MVC applications. Lets get started creating a new ASP. NET MVC application. Begin by launching Visual Studio and going to File New Project. Select the. ASP. NET MVC 2 Empty Web Application template name the Solution Grid. Demos. MVC and the Name of the project Web and click OK see the screen shot below. A new ASP. NET MVC project even a so called empty one consists of a number of default files and folders. Content this folder is designed to contain static site content, such as CSS files, images, and so on. Controllers this folder will contain the applications Controllers. In MVC, the Controller is responsible for handling the incoming. Model and View to generate the response. Controllers are implemented as classes and their methods which are referred to as. URL of the appropriate format is requested. Models this folder is used to hold the Models. Models are implemented as classes and contain the data and business. Scripts this folder contains the j. Query and Microsoft ASP. NET Ajax Library Java. Script files. Views this folder holds the Views, which are responsible for generating the content returned to the requestor. Views typically contain. HTML, Java. Script, and server side code. Unlike the Web. Forms model, where the server side code is located in a separate code behind class, with views the. Moreover, the server side code in Views is typically very simple, serving only to loop. Model so as to generate the pages markup. A Views server side code should not contain business logic. Global. asax behind the scenes, ASP. NET MVC uses ASP. NET Routing. extensively. By default, ASP. NET MVC applications contain a single routing rule that defines the following URL pattern. When a URL arrives. CategoriesViewBeverages. ASP. NET MVC executes the controller. Controller classs action method, passing in. In the case of. www. CategoriesViewBeverages. ASP. NET MVC would execute the Category. Controller classs View method, passing in. Beverages as the input parameter to the method. At this point we have the skeleton of our ASP. NET MVC applicationStep 2 Adding the Northwind Database and Creating the Linq To SQL Classes. Before we start adding Controllers and Views, lets first get our Models and database squared away. The demos in this article series display data from the Northwind. Create an AppData folder in your project and add the two database files. Now we need some way to access the data from the database. There are a variety of data access options available for this article series I decided to go with. Linq to SQL, which is an object relational mapping ORM tool from Microsoft. I chose Linq to SQL. ORM to get started with. I didnt want to get bogged down on the data access side since this article series. In a nutshell, using Linq to SQL entails adding a special file to our. Linq to SQL then creates classes that model these tables as well as a Data. Context class. that is used to update and retrieve data to and from the database. Linq to SQL allows us to programmatically work with our databases data using terse, readable code. Intelli. Sense, and so on. With Linq to SQL or any ORM, for that matter theres no need waste. ADO. NET code or craft SQL statements. If you are not familiar with Linq to SQL, or are just getting started, I highly recommend Scott Guthries. Linq to SQL. Because we will be using the classes created by Linq to SQL as the Models in our application, add the Linq to SQL file to the Models folder. Specifically. right click on the Models folder and choose to add a new file. From the dialog box, select the LINQ to SQL Classes template and name the file. Northwind. dbml. This will create the new file and open it, showing you the Linq to SQL designer. Next, go to the Server Explorer and expand the northwnd. Drag both the Categories and Products tables onto the. Thats all there is to it At this point we have our data access layer in place. Step 3 Adding the Content Files to the Project. If youre following along from your computer, you should have the folders and files from when you first created the ASP. NET MVC application, as well as the AppData and. Northwind database files, and the Northwind. Models folder. There are a number of additional content files used in.