Discover the BaoFeng UV82, dual band VHFUHF, twoway radio. Visit the BaoFeng site to learn, buy, and get support. Hier ein kleines Video ber das Baofeng UV5R How to Program the Baofeng UV5R from Tin Hat Ranch Subscribe http Popular Uploads http So youve got your Baofeng. Latest News May 25, 2017. Pi download on this site. All previous Pi versions have been deprecated and users are encouraged to. UV 8. 2 Bao. Feng. THE DUAL PUSH TO TALK DIFFERENCE The UV 8. Series come with a dual push to talk button. The dual PTT is a huge leap forward in the HT technology. It allows you to transmit on two frequencies by the use of the rocker PTT switch. By pressing up you can transmit on Frequency A and by pushing down you can transmit on Frequency B. Frequency A or B can also be used as a scanner of channels, frequencies, CTCSS and DTS tones. The Bao. Feng UV 8. Series The Bao. Feng UV 8. Compared to previous Bao. Feng products UV 5. Baofeng Bf F8 Manual' title='Baofeng Bf F8 Manual' />Baofeng Pofung GT3TP MarkIII TriPower 841W TwoWay Radio Transceiver, Dual Band 136174400520 MHz True 8W High Power TwoWay Radio, 3800mAh High Capacity. Reviews 34http hIDSERP,5252. Tigertronics Price ListPrices do not include Shipping. Discounts are available on orders of 10 or more units. Dealer inquires are welcome Please contact us for details. Google is compensated by these merchants. Payment is one of several factors used to rank these results. Tax and shipping costs are estimates. Baofeng BFF8HP Pdf User Manuals. View online or download Baofeng BFF8HP User Manual. Type Amateur HFVHF transceiver Frequency range TX 10160 m WARC 6 m RX 0. MHz Mode AMFMSSBCWRTTYPSK31 RF Power output 5200 W AM 550 W 100. BFV85. BFV85. UV5R Series Please check the radio firmware Hold and press the 3 key then POWER ON. This will display BFB2xxx Firmware BFB291 and Later. R, GT 3, and the v. Series the UV 8. PCB board that outperforms the range, accuracy, and output of the previous Bao. Feng chipsets. It is not simply a remake but a new radio from the ground up. It outperforms the the 2nd Gen UV 5. R chipset used in the UV 5. Rs, GT 3 BF F8, and v. VERSATILE RADIO FOR AMATEUR USEThe Bao. Feng UV 8. 2 is legal for use on amateur frequencies. The UV 8. 2 is able to Transmit on Narrowband 1. Hz and Wideband 2. Hz. Dual Watch Receiver The Bao. Feng UV 8. 2 has one built in receiver but can watch two channels semi duplex. Monitor two different frequencies even on different bands VHFUHF and the radio will monitor both frequencies giving priority to the first station to receive an incoming call. FM Broadcast Station. You can listen to the FM Broadcast radio, while still monitoring your radio frequencies in the background. Any incoming call will be given priority insuring you never miss an important call while listening to the radio. Group Tones supported. The Bao. Feng UV 8. Analog Tones. It supports CTCSS, DCS, and DTMF calling methods. Set up your calling methods to call by group tones. Tone calling private line is required by most repeater applications and the UV 8. The Bao. Feng UV 8. DTMF tones. This allows for sending ANI Caller ID or remote commands that require DTMF tones. Internal VOX function. The Bao. Feng UV 8. VOX Voice Operated Transmit function for convenient hands free operation and can be used in conjunction with the included earpiece and mic. The VOX level and VOX delay time are adjustable your needs. Customize Your Operation with channels, Programmable Buttons, and more You can program your Bao. Falcon 4410 Usb Driver there. Feng UV 8. 2 exactly how you want it. There are 1. 28 programmable memory channels. You can add or remove channels from scanning list using the free computer software. You can give channels alphanumeric names, using a computer. The radio has 2 power levels 5 watt maximum, allowing you to choose how far you can communicate. You can set VFO limits using the CHIRP software. You can easily program from a PC to set up the radio to operate exactly as needed. Whats In the BoxBao. Feng UV 8. 21. Ah Battery Antenna. Power Adapter Earpiece Belt Clip Hand Strap Battery Charger User Manual. Features. 25. KHz1. KHz Switchable WideNarrow Band FM Radio 6. MHz 1. 08. 0. MHz Large Tri color LCD Display 3 Selectable Colors LED Flashlight High Low RF Power Switchable VOX 5. CTCSS 1. 04 DCS Tones. Tone searchingscanning Dual standby PC programmable Transmitter time out timerTOT Busy channel lock outBCLOUV 8. SPECIFICATIONS. Frequency range TX 1. Super Net Surveillance Dvr here. MHz, 4. 00 5. 20. MHz RX 1. 36 1. MHz, 4. MHz, 6. 8 1. 08. MHz FM BroadcastChannel Capacity 1. Channels. Channel Spacing 2. KHz wide band1. KHz narrow band Sensitivity 0. V wide band 0. V narrow bandOperation Voltage 7. V DC 2. 0 Battery 1. Ah Frequency step 2. KHz. Antenna Antenna Connector SMA Female Antenna Impedance 5. Accessory Connector Kenwood 2 Pin Standard Stability 2. Output power 5. W 1. W Audio Power Output 1.
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